Saturday, October 12, 2019

You Got the Wrong Person

This is Trishia. I like to call myself a storyteller and a transdisciplinary designer. I founded Meye, a not-for-profit, voluntary organization in Bangladesh, which has been advocating women's solidarity, empowerment, and leadership since 2011.

If I made you read this blog, most probably I would like you to know (and respect) the following: 
  1. I hate to be known as a Facebook group admin. 
  2. Meye operates some Facebook groups for digital networking, all created by me. That's why my name pops up when you search for the admins. But I do not carry out the administrative responsibilities of those groups. I can't remove myself as an admin, because that might pose some technical risks. Mere technicality, you see.  That's why when you ask me about some housekeeping actions, I'm usually clueless. 
  3. My personal inbox is my personal space. I don't want anyone to intrude into my personal space with work-related questions.

Then what would you do if you have a question, request or complaint?
Be a responsible member of the network and know the rules. We have a panel of admins for each wing of Meye which changes every 4-6 months. Our public page acts as a one-stop communication point that all current admins have access to. It saves us lots of time and miscommunication. So if you need to talk to the management, you need to send a message to our public page.

Just click About in the group and you will find all necessary links and information. Please, don't be mad at me because I made you read this. You wasted my time. So I wasted yours. 😁

I drew this. I added this image here because I do not want you to remember me as a grumpy person yelling at you. 😛